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    New Student Pre-enrolment 2025-2026 is from 8 am on February 3 to 4 pm on March 19, 2025

    If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.

    If you have questions about registering, contact the school office.


    You will need to pre-enrol on SchoolZone to tell us the school you’d like your child to attend next year. Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment, which opens at 8 a.m. on February 3.

    Lago Lindo School is at Level 2 on Growth Control Model. This means the school is nearing capacity.  As such, we have a closed attendance area boundary.  For schools with closed boundaries:

    • students currently attending the school may remain at the school
    • new resident students who live in the school’s designated attendance area can enrol
    • siblings of current students will be accepted, as long as:
      • both siblings will be attending the school next year, and
      • both students pre-enrol between February 3, 2025 at 8 am and 4 pm on March 19, 2025.

    After pre-enrolment closes at 4 p.m. on March 19, 2025, only resident students who move into the school’s attendance area will be able to attend a closed-boundary school.

    Non-resident students can attend another Division school that has space in planned classes.

    Children who are five years old on or before December 31, 2025 (born in 2020) may register for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year. Whether you register early or right before 4 p.m. on March 19, your child’s chance of attending morning or afternoon kindergarten remains the same. Schools review all registrations after March 19, and registrations are not first-come, first-served.

    New Student Registration 2024-2025
    *Please note Lago Lindo is a Closed-boundary school, meaning you must live in our attendance area to enroll here.

    Children registering for Kindergarten must turn five years old on or before December 31, 2024

    For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Lago Lindo School is full in planned classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6 in the regular program. A Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. We will only accept resident students in Grades 1 to 6 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.

    If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.

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  • Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    All students at Lago Lindo are encouraged to take leadership opportunities where they are offered.  In Grades 5 and 6, students have the opportunity to work as hallway monitors, library helpers, and AMA Safety Patrollers. 

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  • Kindergarten Information

    Kindergarten Information

    Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026 Opens February 3, 2025 at 8 am

    Students who are new to the Division register for school. Learn how to register online.  To register for Kindergarten, you must register online

    Children who are five years old on or before December 31, 2025 (born in 2020) may register for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year. 

    Whether you register early (starting February 3rd) or right before 4 p.m. on March 19, your child’s chance of attending morning or afternoon kindergarten remains the same. Schools review all registrations after March 19, and registrations are not first-come, first-served.

    Lago Lindo School is at Level 2 on Growth Control Model. This means the school is nearing capacity.  As such, we have a closed attendance area boundary.  For schools with closed boundaries:

    • students currently attending the school may remain at the school
    • new resident students who live in the school’s designated attendance area can enrol
    • siblings of current students will be accepted, as long as:
      • both siblings will be attending the school next year, and
      • both students pre-enrol between February 3, 2025 at 9 am and 4 pm on March 19, 2025.

    Use our online calculator to find out when a child can start Kindergarten.

    Get Ready for Kindergarten Drop in

    Due to our closed boundary status, Lago Lindo will not be hosting an open house nor are we equipped to offer tours.

    In May, pre-registered students and their families will be invited to drop in to visit the classroom, learn about Kindergarten and get suggestions for fall readiness.

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  • Welcome To Lago Lindo!

    Welcome To Lago Lindo!

    Welcome to new and returning families here at Lago Lindo School!  We are looking forward to a productive year and are excited to work and learn together!

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Labour Action Updates

Agreement reached with support staff. Get updates.



For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Lago Lindo School is full in planned classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6 in the regular program. A Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. We will only accept resident students in Grades 1 to 6 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.





In the fall of 1990, Lago Lindo School opened its doors for the first time.  Since that time, through a progression of teachers, administrators, and school staff, Lago Lindo has developed an excellent reputation as a school that works to ensure all students reach their potential within an environment that respects and cares for students.  We continue to work to keep our tradition of excellence.

Schools succeed to the extent that they:

  • have high expectations for their students;
  • maintain a warm, safe environment for all;
  • provide good models for expected behavior;
  • promote a TEAM approach between teachers, students and parent/guardians; and
  • maintain communication regarding expectations, behavior and progress.

Welcome to Lago Lindo!

Lago Lindo School is full in all planned grades/classes in the Regular program. We will now only accept resident students who have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enroll in another Division school with space in planned classes.

Click here to view our Virtual school tour of Lago Lindo School, Edmonton Alberta


Principal's Message

Welcome to Lago Lindo School! Our school motto at Lago Lindo School is, ‘Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Bring Pride to Lago Lindo, and know you are loved.’ 

Our school focuses on the importance of teaching children how to become optimal learners. We learn about the brain, self-regulation, and use the MindUp program to provide skills and strategies for student learning. We are committed to creating a thriving, dynamic, and inspiring educational environment that produces self-directed learners to confidently prepare them for their future.

We believe that all children can learn and be successful and we accomplish this by providing high-quality teaching and learning environments with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy. 

Each month, we have a school-wide assembly where students demonstrate learning!  Students are acknowledged each month for their unique improvements and each student receives a certificate and a personal message written by their teacher 

In collaboration with parents and our community partners, students maximize their potential by being supported through differentiated programming and developing behaviours necessary for their success in school and their chosen career pathway.

Yours in partnership,

Charlene Howard